Sunday, December 14, 2008

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How Can Technology Help My Business?

Have you ever thought what could technology do to make my business better?
  • How could I avoid using a full time employee to make appointment reminder calls?
  • How could I ensure phone calls are being billed appropriately?

Post your questions / ideas for new blogs.

Friday, December 12, 2008

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Unified Communications

Unified Communications is a term used to describe integrated data, voice, video, wireless and security. What is the purpose of Unified Communications and why would I spend the money on it? I have a phone system that makes and takes calls and wireless router that allows my computers access to the Internet.

The advantage to Unified Communications is in the ability to integrate and expand on your investment, increase efficiency and productivity.
  • I bet your existing phone system can't communicate with Skype or capable of SIP Trunking, which could save you hundreds of dollars on your phone bill every year or even every month.
  • Does it allow you to view your voicemail before listening to them so that you listen to the most urgent voice mails first?
  • Can you put a phone anywhere on the Internet and connect it to your phone system and call as if you were in the office?
  • Can it do staff management company reminders/announcements, dial-out to customers and suppliers, office closures, shipping updates, and call recording.

A Unified Communications solutions for small and medium business is less expensive because it incorporates voice, video, data, wireless and security from a single vendor into a single system. You don't have to purchase a phone system, switch, router, firewall, vpn and access point from different vendors and make them all work together. Single vendor solutions can decrease the Total Cost of Ownership even though the initial multi-vendor price tag may be cheaper.
